I am curious about how you took the picture.
I assume you have used long shutter speed and wide angle.
Is it possible that you reveal some of the technique to achieve this amazing picture?A very good photo @Erlendgroseth.
I am curious about how you took the picture.
I assume you have used long shutter speed and wide angle.
Is it possible that you reveal some of the technique to achieve this amazing picture?A very good photo @Erlendgroseth.
Thanks for you question.
Capturing images in IR is pretty straight forward. You compose your photo, make sure it's sharp using auto focus. Then turn off the auto focus, attach the IR filter in front of your lens and take the image. Now, the exposure time for IR is different from exposures in the visible spectrum. They tend to be quite long. Normally between 20 sek and a couple of minutes depending on how much IR light that's available. (For me that's a trial and error process, could be that someone figured out a way to calculate the exposure time)
Now, the interesting bit of the workflow: the image in your car is now a sort of bleak red image lacking contrast. In Photoshop I convert the image to Black and White.
Here is an example of before and after.
This is an image I shot in Lofoten, Norway a couple of years ago in the middle of the night.
Please feel free to ask if you have further questions.
Cheers, Erlend
Thanks for your detailed description @Erlendgroseth. I would try to use this technic myself. I am also grateful that You would answer my further questions.