Photogames Season 2- Week 3 Second Part Winners

in #photogames7 years ago

Schedule for week 4 ) Week 3 of @photogames is finished (check the

First, i want to thanks to all that participated in this week of photogames. You all did great and it was really hard to pick the winners.

I want to start with EDIT MY PHOTO-ALL IN ONE EDITS. We had 4 entries and i must say you people are crazy :)

DQmezmw8zfNonSjosCqvWJ6q6UczZHLH4Ry5bvVGck6QNdd.jpg@derekkind won but it was a close call

if you missed it, please go and check other entries here: themonkeyzuelans, alevaskye and derangedvisions

@derekkind also won in the EVERYDAY RITUALS

Winner for EDIT MY PHOTO in editing my photo:

  1. artizm.jpg@artizm i thought i like the green but then i seen this.

  2. 2.jpgIn YOUR MOVE 2 winner was @itchyfeetdonica

If you want to check all entries you can do that by clicking here:


Hey, that's awesome! Glad you liked my edit and photo, guys!!! :D

just so you know, and no one will probably see this so i am safe :) you owe me for the ritual win, they missed your entry :P so i want a cut from the prize :D

Hahahaha, well, I appreciate your diligence. :D

and for the edit photo, i would probably crop the right part, you were in a hurry :)

Hmn, yeah, I dunno. I know it wasn't well balanced but nothing I tried seemed to work, and I didn't have all night so I just went with it as is. :)

Was there only one winner for EVERYDAY RITUALS? I didn't see any others...

did not want to post them all, @derekkind, @asgarth, @vmoldo, @jfolkmann, @jarvie in that order, if i did not miss something, someone resorted the board so its sorted by name of participants :D

No that's cool... I went and looked at the original post but didn't see them, only @derekkind. Cheers! : )

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