Oh, I like that crop! Maybe we're all conditioned to think that landscape is better than portrait here on Steemit because of the way images are displayed, because no one else went in that direction, but I like it. :)
Thank you : )
I wasn't so keen on all the foliage on the right, it looked a little blurry to me so it was out (and I don't know how to fix that) : ) I also didn't need all the bridge so I decided to put the main focus on the building which lead me to a portrait picture... : )
Oh, I like that crop! Maybe we're all conditioned to think that landscape is better than portrait here on Steemit because of the way images are displayed, because no one else went in that direction, but I like it. :)
Thank you : )
I wasn't so keen on all the foliage on the right, it looked a little blurry to me so it was out (and I don't know how to fix that) : ) I also didn't need all the bridge so I decided to put the main focus on the building which lead me to a portrait picture... : )
Makes sense to me! :)