
Thank you so much, Angelo! @hangin She truly is in my soul, always and forever. I know that you are right and she will never leave me and she will always live on.

Yes. That. I have no idea why we hold so tight, and it is what it is. I hope you got to wish your mom Happy Mother's Day, yours was probably weeks ago! Have a most fabulous Monday, my friend!


I spoke to my mum yesterday wishing her a happy mothers day but i do miss been there to enjoy mothers day with her it's been nine years now i haven't been able to be home at mothers day but my other brothers and sister always take her out and make her feel wonderful as she is :)

Have a great day my friend :)

That is so nice! I am happy you got to speak to her. Because I moved away from my mom and dad, I used to call them every day, just to keep that sense of still belonging. :)

It was important to me and I maintained throughout the years and yes! I know I am a little bit crazy. :)

It was nice we had a great chat i try to call her 2 or 3 times a week i hope to go visit her next month for her 84th birthday i miss been around her she is so funny to be with even at almost :)

It is a great day to be 84!! I am so glad you get to speak with her so often and I hope you really do get to go home and spend her birthday with her. How cool would that be?

I know how difficult it is with the distance, but, as you already know, it is worth every bit of effort and I can only imagine how much it means to your mom!

It will be a great day and a beautiful surprise for my mum i will be looking at flights today :)

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Thank you @dswigle and @tipu :)

My pleasure. Always!

Cheers :)