The day starts off with beautiful blue skies for miles around... In a manner of ways, I took it for granted and do not have an image to share.. The places that I work, are so pleasing on sunny days..
With work being done by 3, I managed to find a place to park for the night.. and went for a walk..
Looking up!!..
I could see one after another spray.. spray ... some more.. "geoengineering" - "solar shield" - "c(see)lie_mate change"... Just a few keywords to search for more information in the topics I talk of.. I have previous posts with information one...
This is a subject I feel needs alot more input and discussion.. as its not just here in the UK where these lines are being made in the sky.. not 'contrails'.. its a con to say they are!!!'.
Here is a plane with no lines.. as its a passenger liner.. thats all I can say on it..
This is different!!! #lookup
Thankyou all for the support.. kind words and encouragement.. as the days come now, its going to be cold for christmas...
Take care, stay safe.. :D
Crazy what they are doing to us.
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