For some reason I continue to run across beautiful flowers. It seems everywhere I look lately they are in my view. I love this fact and enjoy them each time. In fact many times I stop what I'm doing, just to take the time to enjoy the beauty. I just hope my followers aren't getting bored with the photo's.
Pink Superbells (Calibrachoa)

Yellow Freesia

Pink Hydrangea

President Clematis Vine - Deep Purple

Please comment, which is your favorite?
I also pot many flowers for my deck and backyard, read about it here.
All original to Paradise-Found
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Maybe because you hink about those nice flowers more often! Great shots as always :)
Thank you Alex!! I golf with some fellows who are always in a hurry. But it doesn't hurry me along, I take my time and enjoy the natural beauty. Just like stopping for flowers!! :-D
Wow! Lovely photos, I have to say that pink hydrangea wins the prize for me! ! I've only ever seen those in purple /blue hues! Absolutely georgous (as are the rest of the flowers also) thanks for sharing :)
Thank you very much Chelsea!! The hydrangea is gorgeous, good choice!!
I love the clematis. I have always wanted one, my grandmother had a beautiful one years ago on the trellis at her front door.
Thank you @wrladyhawk!! The clematis is beautiful, good choice!!
Yes, the purple clematis is wonderful!!
nice photos!!
Beautiful eye for the camera!!
Really brilliant purple color!
Magnificent photo's!! :-D
Super nice pics dude!!
What kind of camera?
I think the clematis is the most beautiful!
I have a clematis at home too!!
My clematis keeps dying. :-(
Samsung J3 phone camera!!
My favorite has to be President Clematis Vine. The purple is so rich. :)
You are a golfer, that is awesome!! I am too!! Some of my photo's are taken on the golf course!!
I'm not a scratch golfer, but I play to single digit handicap. Enough to have fun!!
The Clematis very beautiful in deep purple!! Good choice!!
I will follow you.
Nice man! Seems like there is a larger golf community on her than I thought! Looking forward to connect more in the future. Also followed!!1
Beautiful flowers :)
Thank you my friend @alinabarbu! Do you have a favorite?
Ahh so in love with these nature photos !! My favorite are the pink super bells !!
Thank you so much!! I love the super bells, so many blooms is just amazing!! Good choice!!
The pictures look so colourful, thanks for sharing
You are welcome my friend!! I'm happy you enjoy the colorful blossoms!!
Which one is your favorite?
President Clematis Vine - Deep Purple is my favourite! Purple is my favourite colour 🤠
I love the Clematis vine, and this one is especially beautiful. Good choice!!
Good to know. Thank you.
nice flowers @paradise-found
Thank you my friend @dolov!!
Another great collection of beautiful flowers, I always look forward to this kind of posts! So pretty!
Thank you my friend Nikolina!!
Beautiful Flower Collection!
Thank you Olga!!