Anak-anak yang lahir di kaki gunung leuser tumbuh bersama alam. Mereka telah terlatih untuk menjadi pemberani.
Di sini terlihat tiga orang anak dengan sepeda motor sedang melintasi jembatan gantung di kaki gunung Leuser. Mereka menyebrangi sungai Alas yang deras. Tak ada perasaan takut di hati mereka. Sebab hal seperti ini telah menjadi keseharian mereka. Ya, rutinitas telah menggugurkan perasaan takut di hati anak-anak ini.
Children born at the foot of the Leuser mountain grow with nature. They have been trained to be brave.
Here were three children on a motorcycle crossing a suspension bridge at the foot of a Leuser mountain. They cross the river of Alas. There is no fear in their hearts. Because things like this have become their daily lives. Yes, routines have aborted feelings of fear in the hearts of these children.
( Curhatan hati atas Gambar diatas )
udah dapat satu postingan :D
iyaa bg..