Hot summer is coming. It's already 50 Deg. C .... ^^

in #photography8 years ago (edited)

Good afternoon my friends...^^

올해는 더운 날씨가 일찍부터 시작하네요.
뜨거운 바람이 불어오고 있습니다.
한달전에 42도 올라간걸 올린거 같은데... 벌써 50도가 되었습니다....^^

한낮에 그늘없는 곳에 있으면 싸우나 바람이 느껴지지요.....^^
다행히 습도가 그리 많지는 않아 그늘 아래에 있으면 나은편 입니다.

This year, the hot weather starts early.
The hot wind is blowing.
Luckily, the humidity is not so high....^^

사막에서 찍은 낙타 사진도 같이 올립니다...^^
You can enjoy some camel photos taken in the desert ... ^^



I hope you enjoy it...^^

Have nice evening...^_^


i like 22-25 degrees most ;)

☀️ 50 degree ☀️

We never have so much hot in Bulgaria !

Yeah - it is nearly on gap of damn snowing again :-)

OMG that is hot, relax mate

My goodness.. which part of the world are you living in...?


That is 50 celsius??? 😱 How do you survive that? 40 is already too high for me. You spent most summer in pool? Drink lots of water.

Now that's HOT. Unfortunately too HOT

Here still 24 !

Very hot, in Indonesia its most high temperature 36-40 C.

This is hot ..........

that must be so hot , soaking in ice water must be very good :D

This is mega hot, since you can only hide in the refrigerator.❄️

yea is getting very hot I believe everywhere in the globe I live in Puerto Rico a tropical island I live in the countryside and is hot already and I know is going to get worst. Nice photos by the way.

헐 50도~전자렌지 아닌가요
고생이 많으십니다

Crazy thats global warming for ya... love your posts also your payouts are a huge inspiration !

Umm, Camel...I thought 메르스? 한국에서 접촉을 피하라고했던.? ㅋ

:D here it is ass-cold :-)

wow, it['s so wild to look out the window and see...camels!! omg :)

Excellent post! I like your work My friend

Courtesy of the weather modification (geoengineering) activities taking place globally.

I wish we had hot summers. In Germany its too cold

50 is "HOT"!

That's really really hot. Anything more than 35 deg C is hot for me.


Great photos, I wonder if one can ride the camels! They seem to be enjoying the hot weather. Keep cool from the sun!

Here in the Scottish highlands the hottest day this week will be 19C. But some days will still only be 11C. So if you need to cool down, you know where to come... ;)

akuwait is very very hot in summer omg

사막의 날씨 몹시 무덥군요.
즐거운 휴일 보내세요.

In my country the temperature is erratic, the transition season