Kalimera, happy Sunday! (Image from archive)
Καλημέρα, Καλη Κυριακή!!
Today, last Sunday of March - we moved our clocks one hour afterwards. This practically means that we ... kind of lost one hour and also the sunrise/sunset time moves and of course the days become bigger.
This may be a little bit difficult for us to understand, since most of us already stay inside due to quarantine/lockdown but it is a big deal since it makes people usually more productive and it create less consumption in energy but also in power/electricity.
However this will stop next year, Europe has already decided..
How do you feel about that?
I don't know how in other countries but in Latvia, it's good if we do not change time anymore and stay in the summertime that's mean also in winter we have one hour longer daylight. And also some savings on electricity costs. Electricity in Latvia is not cheap so every cent we can save is really good.