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Maybe it's because you remember the posts I made on FrenchTouch channel, on Tsu time..? ^^
9upj7p.png my dear and have a wonderful day ! ^

Yessss!!! I definitely do remember those days... 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸
Thank youuuu! 😘❀

"Annecy! I feel as if I have been away and just back again after a long time..." -- well said, I feel a bit in the same way looking at these pictures... bittersweet feelings! love the pale, mustard japanese colours, the atmosphere, and especially, the names of the restaurants. 'takamaka' -- thats so sweet.

Indeed, you are right with the name of the shops and restaurants πŸ˜„ ...takamaka...minami....cozna...sapaudia...even for us it is kinda exotic, no french names πŸ˜ƒ I think they try to be original, because there are A LOT of restaurants in Annecy, as it is a touristic city, so all is good to make people think they should enter this restaurant better than that other one ...😏 πŸ˜„
s0t5hp.png Thanks for your appreciation @qwerrie and please