nice i went to vilcabamba ecuador twice in 2011 and again 3 months in 2014 and ya i stpped in lima and went thru airport in bogota for a few hour haha but i got feel for big urban areas in south america after seeing quito quyaquil and lima and yaa i also know columbia has more money and is mroe expensive as if theres STILL money from pablo escobar just circulating down thre LOL iits awesome
keep postiing photos of south america! we gotta get countries like ecuador to stoop their rediculous anti bitcoin laws that they dont even enforce
and veneuela using bitcoin is a real case study in crypto crrency preventing a fucking massive economic collapse!
its like btcoin SUPPORTS local currencies because it acts as a global ersrve currency citizens canall hold temselves its fucking SAVING LIVES right now in veneuela and NOONE is gviing bitcoinnd crypto currency ANy credit
steemit will be WAy easier for people to use than bitcoin or ethereum! neither has a way to just send money from a userame to a useername and even attach a little mesage in the memo area steemit is the lEADER in user friendly blockchains NOONE has a sstem like us and Noone ever will! by the time peopel even EARnabout the etehreum option to have a domain like ackza@ethereum or whatever it is, it will be too late and stemit wil have dominated
people will simply singup on steemit JUSTTO HAVE an online crypto wwallet they can use!!! peopel will accept bitcooiin from people say thanks, and use one of our new services we will reactivate like the API from shapeshift or a special pliigin for steemit where peopel will be able to automaticaly convert it to steem or SBD and just send it to their steemit account where they iwll be able to EASILY
Thanks for the insider info and you're right about bitcoin helping out people with a failing economy around the world.