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RE: 🍒 Photoshoot: The Blue Wall part 1

in #photography8 years ago

I love seeing seomen on stemit! sorry for my comment Im just mad that American Women almost got Hillary Clinton elected , we almost had a complete monster in power, all because women have this egotistical narciscism where they want to have a WOMAn president JUST to make THEMSELVES feel good! SO selfish!

To women out there, how do you explain this selfish narcicism ?!?! I respect you so much if you are a traditional or nona meerican nbecause my peoples women are so bad, most american women are SO disgusting on the inside! Because yes MOST american women VOTED for hillary!

how can i get past this??!?!

I cant look at women without seeing little monsters who actualy voted for a monster!
the same cannot be said about Trrump! Any lies about trump arent real and wont stickl while Hillary is a Monster and do i even need to gio over her crimes?