Smarthphone Photography :: Zephry Flower

in #photography6 years ago

Sering kita jumpai berbagai macam bunga tanpa tahu namanya,
terkadang bunga yang kita tidak tahu namanya justru mempunyai nama yang indah, seperti bunga liar pink kecil ini.
Bunga ini dinamakan Lili Peri atau Bunga Hujan (Zephry Flower).

Menurut cerita bunga Lili Peri atau Zephry Flower mempunyai arti harapan yang besar dan persiapan akan apa yang akan terjadi dengan menikmati masa-masa sekarang.

Mengapa bunga ini dinamakan Zephry?

Karena sifatnya yang mudah terbawa angin, karena Zephry adalah nama mata angin dalam mitologi Yunani.

We often find various kinds of flowers without knowing their names, sometimes the flowers that we don't know the name actually have a beautiful name, like this little pink wildflower. This flower is called Lili Peri or Flower Rain (Zephry Flower).

According to the story, the flower of Lili Peri or Zephry Flower means great hope and preparation for what will happen by enjoying the present.

Why is this flower called Zephry?
Because it is easily carried away by the wind, because Zephry is the name of the wind in Greek mythology.

Original Content

Captured with OPPO A37f | © Image & content are my own | Category : Flower Photography | Location : North Aceh, Indonesia.

Regards, @adivender