The Seven Day B&W Challenge - Day 6

Thanks to @rea for nominating me for the Black & White Photo Challenge!

I nominate the amazing, @vegetarianbaker

The rules :

Take 7 black & white photos that represent an aspect of your life

Present one image every day for seven days

No people

No explanation

Nominate someone every day. 

Although anyone can join in

Use the tag: #sevendaybnwchallenge as one of your five tags


Postingan anda sngat bagus., saya sangat menyukai postingan anda...

stop spamming my POSTS!!!!

Amazing photography. Wonderful post. Thanks for sharing

when deadline this challenge? i want to join. its very interesting

thats a great photography one...i like this my friend..carry on..✌✌✌


most welcome my friend..

Wow I love this !

Beautifully shot image :)

Really great photos, i like it

Luar biasa.
Salam kenal dari saya

Ah this is so good I love older alleys and streets from places like Europe they are so beautiful

Nice photo. but why is it getting upvoted when you clearly didnt take it?

That's really beautiful! Picturesque shot!