Best Regard Steemians...
Last Sunday as usual I went to the garden to work. When I worked in the garden I saw a black butterfly on the ground.
Hari minggu kemarin seperyi biasa saya pergi ke kebun untuk bekerja. Ketika saya bekerja di kebun saya melihat ada seekor kupu kupu hitam yang berada di tanah.
I noticed the butterflies were hard to move, maybe because their wings were hurt, I tried to get closer, but the butterfly was frightened.
Saya perhatikan kupu kupu itu susah bergerak, mungkin karena sayap nya terluka, saya mencoba untuk mendekat, tapi kupu kupu itu ketakutan.
Jepretan yang sangat bagus bg ,
Sukses selalu.
Kasian kupu-kupunya
sayang ya, kupu2 yg begitu indah jatuh tersungkur ke tanah karena sakit
they need trithment
nice post
it needs medical treatment soon. 😀😀
Yes, i need volunteer, hehe
Beautiful black with some blue, nice photoes :)