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RE: New Uniform for Teaching Online!

in #photography8 years ago

Jerry, to be honest it's more Wizard than academic. But maybe you already know that right? And seeing you as a cop is somewhat scary too. Im also curious to know, from one video maker to another, how you get your greenscreen to be wrinkle free, because mines got more lines on it than Rupert Murdochs neck. I know in the pictures you took the green screen isnt pulled tight (which I guess you probably do when you make a video). I seem to spend most of my time messing around with Ultra Key on the Premier CC and wondered if you had any good tips. Thanks Harry Potter!


@anarcotech yes wizard is good too :) I use a steel cable hung from one end of the room to the other which the curtain then hangs on. I also have it taped to the wall on one end which minimizes wrinkles and thrown back over itself also. The lighting then has to be just right to minimize the wrinkles that remain from being too shadowy! A lot of trial and error to get it right!


haha I was also thinking that, he indeed looks like a Hogwart's Professor :) :)