Photography Tips anyone can learn #5 - Patience!

in #photography7 years ago (edited)


This one really goes without saying but it can make a massive difference to your images.

It's very, very rare that I would simply line up a shot and press the shutter button. I compose an image, then I look for distractions and see if I can eliminate them by cropping in camera or hiding them behind something else. Often then I wait...and wait...

Remember, I'm 'iPhone only' for these images, therefore timing is a little more difficult - as the camera isn't as responsive as a more professional camera.

By using your peripheral vision, you can usually anticipate when someone or something is going to walk into your frame. If it's something the image needs, then it's just a case of timing. On the iPhone, I'll normally frame an image and then lock the focus. My top tip however is to take a few images in rapid sucession. I quickly select the one that looks correct with the moving subject in the right place and then delete the others.

Here are a couple of images to demonstrate what I'm talking about.

Firstly, the Bridge of Sighs in Venice. It was full of people taking the same image looking down the canal at the bridge. However, I could hear a boat coming, so I framed the image and waited for it to enter the frame. I knew roughly where I wanted it to be in the photo and it wasn't fast-moving, so I think I only took two images and then chose this. I cropped it afterwards to bring the leading lines back into the very bottom corners - as illustrated.

IMG_7583 copy.jpg Untitled copy 2.jpg

Secondly, a marina in Cesenatico. I knew I had a great reflection - the water was very calm and I could see it even without getting low. Regardless, I held the phone (camera) lower than usual and having seen a few gulls flying around, decided to wait and see if one would oblige me by crossing the scene. I think I waited a minute or so and hey presto! The image is so much stronger for it.

Untitled copy.jpg

Patience is your friend :)

Please vote and leave a comment if you wish to ask any questions.

Ciao - Andy


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Nice to meet you too.

Great tip, I'll try this one tomorrow. Gave you a follow, always looking to learn new skills.

It's just a little reminder for most people, including you I'm sure. We often do this stuff naturally, but when we really plan it, it really can make a huge difference.

Sadly I've run out of time today to try to set up a shot. There were some young Hawks practice fighting but they were far to fast for me. I'll try again tomorrow.
ps. my cat is also too fast for me it seems 😸
beans sml.jpg
What Are You Waiting for?

haha - that's a real iPhone challenge :)

Good advice, I followed you to see what else you come up with

Thanks :) It's a challenge to have the discipline to keep writing up little tips - but fun all the same.

I totally get what you mean!