in #photography7 years ago


Who has not uploaded a selfie to their social networks? If we premiere look or dress and we look radiant, why not share? The bad news is that, although it seemed a harmless practice, science has discovered that selfies can become a nightmare in matters of love.

Researchers from the Pontificia Universidad Católica, of Chile, and the University of Boston, United States, affirm that selfies can determine if a relationship works or not.

The reason? Most people find it uncomfortable that their partner shares selfies in which it looks good, because it generates jealousy, especially if this photo receives comments from the opposite sex or many "likes".

As for the counterpart, to be pointed or questioned by uploading selfies, begins to experience discomfort for not feeling free to post what you want on their social networks. The above, promotes an atmosphere of dissatisfaction and tension between the couple.

To this we must add the fact that the "anti-selfies" part has the impression that its other half pretends to be someone that is not, through the images it shares and, in reaction, demand that it be shown as it is. known.

In addition, selfies are interpreted as a selfish act, because at the time of publication, the person portrayed gives priority to their needs and does not take a moment to think about the feelings of dissatisfaction that can unleash in their partner.

And you, have you had a bad time in your relationship as a result of a selfie