Alien Ant Life On Planet Peony

in #photography6 years ago

I took these pictures back in early June. The peony buds in my garden were invaded by ants. The ants are not harmful to the plant. They are drawn to the sweet nectar.
When I was taking the photos I was imagining the Peony buds were planets with alien ant life on them.

In the above photo I think I captured a crime scene. It looks to me as though an ant has killed an ant and maybe even eating it.
Peony flower photos I posted on my blog a fews weeks back.

Photos taken by

🍃🍃 @Annephilbrick


Real life I like your photography

Thank You..!!!

:D @sokha

Those are great! I love the raindrops. What a great addition. My peonies are always covered in ants too.


Thank You...!!
They do love peonies. The nectar must be real sweet...!!
I really enjoy having them. So beautiful..
:D @goat-girlz

Lovely photos of the peonies. 💕 The ants do look like some kind of aliens. 😊 🐜

@annephilbrick those are some very big ants, are they nice or do they bite, I see in the one photo they are not nice to each other, get out the crime scene tape. We have big ants like that but they are red and bite, we have small red ones the set your ass on fire, we have black ones that my husband calls fat ass ants, their rears are very big. they are harmless.

Cannibal alien invader ants! lol..those are more great photos, wonderful job!

Thank You...!!!!!!!!!

This one of my favorite photos I've taken this year.
Nature is amazing.....🙂🍃 @janton.

Verty skillfully done annephilbrick!