foto de mi propiedad / photo of my property
Tolú es parte del Caribe colombiano y es una de esas pequeñas maravillas que uno disfruta en su país, uno de esos muchos lugares que he tenido la suerte de visitar con amigos y familia, un paraíso muy tranquilo donde he podido desconectar tantas veces de la rutina y del bullicio de la ciudad. Playa, brisa y mar que nada tiene que envidiar a otros tantos emplazamientos turísticos del resto del mundo.
Tolu is part of the Colombian Caribbean and is one of those small wonders that one enjoys in his country, one of those many places that I have been lucky enough to visit with friends and family, a very quiet paradise where I have been able to disconnect so many times from the routine and the bustle of the city. Beach, breeze and sea that has nothing to envy to so many other tourist places in the rest of the world.
Esta imagen me traslada a ese momento exacto del atardecer, olor a mar mezclada con el dulzor de la piscina, las palmeras me recuerdan que corría una brisa agradable y la puesta de sol ayudaba a combatir la humedad del clima, una belleza que quería compartir para iniciar mis pequeñas maravillas de una Colombia a la que cambiar la cara frente al mundo.
This image takes me back to that exact moment of the sunset, the smell of the sea mixed with the sweetness of the pool, the palm trees remind me that there was a pleasant breeze and the sunset helped to combat the humidity of the climate, a beauty that I wanted to share to begin my little wonders of a Colombia whose face has changed in front of the world.