Where better to start, than my home city Vancouver.

in #photography9 years ago (edited)

Surprisingly, this is one of the first photos that I ever took (with a DSLR, at least!). I think it turned out quite well. This shot is at Jericho beach, just as the sun starts to set over my lovely home city, Vancouver.

For those of you interested: Camera is SONY NEX-7, with a Ziess 16-70mm lens. As always, these are my original photos. See the gallery of all my photos, as I build it, here: anyxio.imgur.com
#photography #anyxphotos


That's why I love living in the Pacific Northwest!

Someday -

LOVE Vancouver and Whistler too. I've had the pleasure of visiting a few times from the south east US :)

Great sunset! Now I live in Thailand.. And here's one of the bests sunsets i have ever look..

That's quite a beautiful picture @Anyx!

However ..... :)

just joking here :)

Thank you!
And actually, that is totally accurate, since Pokemon Go is not available yet in Canada. So that is exactly how I feel. :)

I live in Ukraine and dream to move to the beautiful city of Vancouver

I miss the Pacific Northwest!! I graduated from UW back in 2008 and have since lived in Victoria and Manitoba (I guess marrying a Canadian for social benefits isn't as easy as it seems.) Alas, I am back in California. Beautiful picture.

:) California is my second home due to internships there. Its a beautiful coast all the way down!

Nice, Silicon Valley internships at all? I know the company I work for in particular likes to bring in interns from all over the world.

Yep, exactly! I feel like it's going to be my final home eventually. No application required for a visa for a Canadian, too.

I really like sunset. My gf also sent me one. There is mysterious charming in it that always make me calm and peace.


It's really a beautiful photo!

I live in Vancouver and it is a beautiful city, wouldn't live anywhere else, beautiful photo

My dream place to live - perfect climate and trees, near the ocean. What could be better?

Great photo, I would love to visit Canada one day.

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