Triangles in the Sky???

in #photography5 years ago (edited)

I wanna wait to hear what others think after they see this picture, and maybe I'm overreacting.. But, this is not only one of the weirdest pictures I've ever taken... It's one of the weirdest things I've seen in general and I can't explain it.

I think this was taken on the 6th of January, the third time I was out with the new camera and right as I was leaving the house I looked up and saw a small rainbow directly overhead. Sort of like a Sun Dog or Sun Devil, except directly overhead.

Usually those are seen to the left or right and sometimes above the sun, I can only remember seeing one of these before in my life where it was just directly overhead, I think I may have filmed that one and lost the footage somehow, or I might still have it... I'm not sure. Either way, it's not that impressive by itself and I was just taking a picture for sort of memory/sentimental/odd curiosity reasons.

I wasn't even sure I was going to share it cause it's just not that interesting really and that's why it sat unshared on my computer for this long until I decided to work on some less impressive images for fun and wow... Never expected this.

When I was working on the image I noticed what looks like triangles in the clouds, at first I just noticed a few of the prominent ones on the right side of the screen, but, then I started noticing them all over the place.

I could just be delusional, lol. And maybe I'm making stuff up in my mind and imagination and others won't see what I see... It is kind of hard to see, yet, I would remind you that I'm a bit OCD and I really notice patterns. A "regular" person might look at this and not notice, but, I noticed cause my mind is friggin on overdrive like almost all the time it seems like.

I took the liberty to go in with Photoshop and add red lines where I saw the triangles. You can compare the images yourself if you want to and see if you see what I see. For Facebook users the picture will be in the comments since I'm not aware of a way to put them side by side with the text similar to how I can on steemit and I'll put a link to the steem article as well so you can look at them side by side if you want. Or you can download them and do it that way, whatever works for you.

One more thing I want to say before we get to the images is.... I can't help but theorize what these could be or mean. Maybe there's a scientific term for it and it's something which has been seen before. I will look sometime soon, oh that reminds me... I have another 3 pictures from then, one zoomed in really close to the rainbow/sundog/sundevil thing and 2 more that are similar to this one, I haven't looked close at them yet, however, I have a feeling they will add more to the story and I will share more when I learn more.

Ummm.. Oh yeah. Theorizing about what it could be. I have two main ideas. First one is some kind of artificial man made influence. I think that's possible, but... The more I look at this the more I think it seems kind of like perhaps an optical illusion... Sort of similar to how when you get a rainbow through a crystal prism.

I think maybe in certain light with certain clouds reflecting it certain ways it COULD possibly create some kind of pyramidal shape. Which if true is some kind of amazing sacred geometry kind of stuff I think... TO have giant triangles in the clouds like that is fascinating in a spiritual sense.

YET... One thing that really bothers me about that theory is that the triangles I first saw on the right appear to have all 3 lines, the left and right AND the bottom... That just boggles my mind how nature would create the base line as well, the rest of the triangles in the image don't appear to have the base and only have the left and right which seems much more like something you would expect from nature.

I'm a bit confused and I probably should have Googled it first and looked at the other images I got, though... I just decided to share what I've found now cause I'm pretty excited about it and I will let you know more sometime soon after I Google this and look at the other images!

Anyways... That's it for me for now. Would love to hear your thoughts if you have any... Have you ever seen or heard of something like this before? Do you see the triangles as well? What do you think it could be or is or do you know? Thanks for sharing any thoughts if you have any! And peace.

PS... I just want to say again because of how these triangles look in patterns like that it really makes me think this is some kind of natural phenomena, an optical illusion because of the way the light is hitting the clouds or something of some sort, BUT... Those few really distinct triangles on the right side where you can see the base line are really puzzling to me... Very interesting, weird and intriguing! I love mysteries like these. :)

Hopefully I find something on Google or one of you has some insight. PSPS I just looked again and it looks like some on the left side have a base line as well... I think there's probably more that I've missed, I keep looking and finding more. Hmmm...

PSPSPS Illuminati confirmed. (That's a joke)


I suck at drawing/painting, but, hopefully this gives you an idea of what I see.



I can explain this phenomenon: well maybe not but you're definitely in the Matrix of Carlos Castenada. If you don't who he is, he was taught sorcery by a sorcerer and these lines are connection points in between the junctions of reality and if you learn to step in between the lines you enter an alternate reality where magic is possible - or...good photo!

Heh. I am aware of who he is, or at least the character. I'm pretty sure I read all those books and then later tried to see how much I could verify those stories, and I was unable to. I think it's possible they are fiction and stories and not "real" in a literal sense. But, maybe they are real. I dunno either way. And either way I think they are great stories! Some of my favorite. :) I still cite some of them from time to time in certain conversations. Good stuff, thanks for the suggestion anyways! And, I do think maybe there was some kind of magic or something weird going on! Lol. Thanks for the thoughtful feedback and glad to hear you think it's a good photo!

I see the movement of the cloud mass leaving a flow trail and then there's multi directional movement within the cloud that intersects with the flow trail causing repetitious triangular patterns. It's beautiful! Nature repeats itself on every level from quarks to the universe.

Hello @apolymask. No doubt you have been unknowingly documenting a series of energy flow events on different levels. You should pay a little more attention to it. Of course, for that you need patience and time. Keep it up and remember to pay close attention.

Hola @apolymask. Sin dudas has estado documentando sin saberlo una serie de eventos de flujo de energía en diferentes niveles. Deberías prestarle un poco más de atención. Claro para ello necesitas paciencia y tiempo. Sigue así y recuerda mucha atención.

 5 years ago  Reveal Comment