In general you should be very careful with apps and anything, which is asking for your keys or password. As you seem to have settled in, I'll give you a brief safety info.
You should avoid using your password and you should keep it very safe.
If you lose your password - it's usually game over. It cannot be recovered.
If you give your password to someone else - they can change your password and get complete access to your account. This however can be fought against with Stolen account recovery tool, but it takes at minimum of 24 hours to work.
You can go to your wallet page and then to "Permissions" (if I remember right) to see your public keys - and then separately open and view the private keys. These should be used more, as they limit the access.
Posting key allows you to post, comment, follow, upvote, flag.. etc. The basic things
Active key allows you also to make money transactions, for example send money to other accounts and power down your SP.
If you accidentally give your posting key to someone, the worst they can do is to upvote stuff and write a bunch of comments.
If you accidentally give your active key to someone, they can take your liquid SBD + Steem but cannot change your password.
The real threat are different apps and phising sites, trying to scam you to give them your password. There have been multiple apps only meant to steal your password, as there have been spambots writing comments "Hey check this out" or "Steemcleaners have noticed your post is copied from here" or "Get your free money" etc. and the link takes you to a webpage looking like, but is actually "steemil" or "steeemit" or similar.
Then it asks you to log in, and as the website looks like Steemit, quite many have given their PW and lost the control of their account.
I hope you can avoid all this and enjoy your stay, as you've managed to get some positive attention already :)