RE: 📷 Original High Quality Steemit Exclusive Steemit Post: Getting STEEMy in the Sauna for Steemit! (3 images inside for Steemit) (Did I mention Steemit?!?)
There are NSFW controls to not view any NSFW content. Use what suits you. This is not Twitter, it's Steemit, and it's uncensored. You can easily block anything you don't want to see.
No, I'm sorry love, you must be lost!
There are NSFW controls to not view any NSFW content. Use what suits you. This is not Twitter, it's Steemit, and it's uncensored. You can easily block anything you don't want to see.
Thank you for your kind thought.
To be more clear, my comment was a dry joke. :)
Haha I apologize. I see quite a few complaints about nsfw content. I just thought it would be nice to let them know :)
Follow my lead and stop being so dry ;D
On teilläki siellä sauna kuitenki lämpiämässä :D
I'm getting wet if you want! It's raining, but luckily no snow.
Saunottu jo, vielä päälle lilluttu paljussa hyvä tovi ennen sateita :) Kyllä kelpaa.
No onhan siinä jo vallan märkää meininkiä, hyväksyn! :D