The difference between a butterfly and a moth
Simply put, butterflies can be distinguished from moths. So active nighttime butterflies and physical features. Butterflies are generally active during the day, while moths are mostly active at night. The butterfly rests or seeps by forcing its wings, while its moths settle with its wings stretched. Butterflies usually have very beautiful colors, moths tend to be dark, dull or gray. However, this distinction is always present, so it can not be made scientifically.
Butterflies and many moths. but allegedly there are hundreds of species. Butterflies become one of several types of insects that are not harmful to humans.
Nice catch. Those are not very common where I am. It is rare to see one and have it hold still long enough to actually get a picture. - You were very lucky :-)
This is a well written , short, and consise article on the difference between a moth and a butterfly, which I like. Also, the pictures that you took of the moths/butterflies are nice as well.
beautiful butterfly my friend, similar to the overpass,
Luar biasa foto kupu kupu yang cantik,sangat indah karena sempat mengabadikan moment seperti itu.
very nice and very informative post. i followed you because u always share valuable content,keep sharing such posts.very good, i like it.
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