Healthy plant, let's clean - My Monstera

in #photographylast year (edited)

A plant that cleans the air
Monstera is not just an ornamental indoor plant, because its use in closed spaces is also useful for making us breathe better. Various studies have shown that the Philodendron Monstera deliciosa is able to absorb up to 80% of the polluting substances present in the air, in particular formaldehyde (it is found for example in furniture paints) and benzene (cigarettes contain a large quantity : in smokers’ apartments it can therefore be of considerable support!).
It is a simple mechanism, and at the same time incredibly effective: it has tiny openings on the leaves (invisible to our eyes) with which toxic substances are “captured”, rendered inert and accumulated in the cell walls. In essence, Philodendron Monstera and many other plants act as real natural filters, retaining everything that is harmful within themselves.My monstera


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