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RE: Why Aren’t My Photos Sharp! Tips to Get Razor Sharp Images

in #photography6 years ago

I watched your video as a smart phone photographer only LOL who just spent all of yesterday in consultation with my Japanese product photographer, trying to understand what she DOES so I can direct her better.

What I learn from your post, is that it's nearly always about US and rarely the equipment. Funnily enough your video could equally be about life coaching - choosing the right aperture for the desired result, changing focus and making sure that WE know exactly what we want. LOL.

I hope one day to learn about photography. The awful part of this smart phone era is that most people think they can, and the knowledge gap about images and photography actually grows bigger. I know enough to know it's not my forte. But choosing to learn the language of images and to engage great photographers as I need them in my business.

You have a nice camera presence - more eye contact please! :) Encouragement and good thoughts zooming your way from Northern Thailand. #SF4 on your radar?