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RE: Modeling helped me to love myself

in #photography3 years ago

Loving this story. Really positive and strong stuff.
Can’t believe those photos of you when you were 16. You look like a totally different person! You’re much cooler and more interesting now.

Also, sorry that I never noticed your eyes are different colours 🤦🏻‍♂️😂
Is that a guy thing?? Super cool you’re eyes are really popping in those photos, especially that close up.

So great to see you smashing Hive too! 💪🏻


Oh man, I'm a completely different human being, I was a bit lost back then 😂
I prefer myself now too 😅😅

Hahahaa and it's definitely a man's thing!
But thanks dude!

Modeling is hella empowering!

With full make up and all dolled up 😍😍
How confident and amazing our Lovely Pear felt ❤️ Even when I was taking pictures of @radicalpears!