The Sunflower is a very beautiful flower with bright yellow color as bright as the sun that shines exactly at 12.00 wib. With large flowers and large flower heads can even reach a diameter of 30 cm. In one flower bongkol, consisting of hundreds or even thousands of small flowers. This flower grows facing toward the sun, probably because it is called sunflower flowers.
Sunflower has a Latin name that is Helianthus annuus Linn. and entered in the family Compositae. Sunflower is also an ornamental plant commonly used as a traditional medicine. Sunflower can cure some diseases such as Hypertension, Headache, Toothache, Bronchitis, Cough, Menstrual Pain, Difficult Childbirth, Whitish, Rheumatic, Stomach Pain, Breast Inflammation, Dysentery, Measles, Urinary Infection, and Malaria.
- Anti-inflamasi
- Mencegah penyakit kardiovaskular
- Meningkatkan proses detoksifikasi dan pencegah kanker
- Dapat menenangkan saraf, otot, dan pembuluh darah
- Menjaga kesehatan tulang, Meningkat
- Dapat mencegah serangan jantung dan stroke
- Baik untuk pertumbuhan anak
- Menurunkan kolesterol
- Mengurangi depresi
- Bermanfaat untuk perkembangan janin
Sunflower seeds can be used as a snack in the form of kuaci, sunflower seeds are also used for a variety of recipes. Copy it, sunflower seeds are also efficacious in healing and overcome several kinds, diseases include:
- Anti-inflammatory
- Prevent cardiovascular disease
- Increase the detoxification process and prevent cancer
- Can calm nerves, muscles, and blood vessels
- Maintain bone health, Increase
- Can prevent heart attacks and strokes
- Good for child growth
- Lowering cholesterol
- Reduce depression
- Beneficial for the development of the fetus
Another part of the sunflower plant that can be mixed into traditional medicine is the root of the sunflower. Sunflower root efficacious to treat urinary tract infections, inflammation of the airways (bronchitis), whooping cough (pertussis), leucorrhoea (leucorrhoe).
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Very nice information
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