Just a younger cow on the pasture
I even got the "photo bomb cow" on the right side.

The photo was shot with the Nikon D7100 and the Nikkor 18-105mm @58mm Kit lense.
You are welcome to follow @astrophoto.kevin
Copyright note for my pictures:
All images, otherwise clearly indicated, in this post are my own work.
You can use it for free if you credit them to @astrophoto.kevin.
Weirdest milky way photo ever.
Hahaha... I have not seen it that way yet. :-D
That cow looks very happy being photo bombed lol
Hahaha... yes :-D
dude what is this :D is it made in germany?
100% made in Germany. She will later produce the main ingredient for your Obatzter :-D
Btw. Um München habt ihr doch auch Kühe :-P
hahaha Obatzda is the Best! Lol nicht ganz hey wir sind ja keine bauern :P Wo kommst du her?
Naja auch wenn ich auf dem Land wohne, bin ich kein Bauer :-D
Aus der Nähe vom Bodensee, so etwa 40 km von Lindau entfernt.
Wow that's some pro level photography there. Awesome
Thank you very much @anupyadav
The cow's picture is very good. So I think your post has been very beautiful in my eyes.
Thank you very much @akikur100
@astrophoto.kevin, a younger cow is a calf! But either way thanks for the photography, hoping to invest more in livestock in the future. Total reminder.
This cow is already too big to be a calf. If I remember correctly, cows over 250kg are no longer called calves.Thank you @kiddady
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