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RE: Let's talk about: Copyright

in #photography7 years ago

Oh, so you're talking about monopolizing single pieces of art, and not art in general?

No, I am talking about monopolizing in the sense of copyrights as the inherent function that copyrights have. You understand that monopolizing ideas is at the heart of copyright then you understand it makes no difference if the idea is practical or artistic a million or one, because abstractions being monopolized by individuals is a clear determent to society and has not demonstrated that it indeed helps the artist, inventor or creator, in fact it has demonstrated the opposite while where people don't have copyright competition happens naturally, and artist in turn are compensated better, as there are better ways to get compensated than by telling people what they can and cannot express, which infringes upon freedom of expression.

Hoarding ideas has slowed down the industrial revolution by decades, it has slowed down the age of enlightenment at the same time and because it's repugnant to reason to consider what can be shared without any effort to multitudes of people, as a tangible thing which is bound to scarcity and not the world of abstractions, it's always been built on fantastic constructions that equate Copying to Stealing.

If you try to stop me with all the tools you have, you have better register your work because you won't stop me, and even then I will simply send them a Special and Restricted Appearance when summoned telling them that they have no juristiction and to send me the performance bid bond that has been placed to my address and if there was none to investigate the prosecuting attorney and fine him if it's found that he filed the claim/complaint without posting a bond. I'll be sitting pretty on Land while you are in the Water wasting your time trying to get me to join you in your petty complaint, instead of making more art and being careful about sharing it before you monetize it, because it won't matter if I copy non stop, you won't find a jury of 12 to try me and there won't be a trial because you cannot demonstrate an injury that Man can be prosecuted for. Due process is a motherfucker.
