Я не видел взрослых людей под струями водопада.
Они забыли, как это делается.
Умные и мудрые стали глухими к веселью.
Они разучились радоваться простым вещам.
Ещё не поздно начать заново.
I have not seen adults under the streams of a waterfall.
They forgot how to do it.
Smart and wise have become deaf to fun.
They forgot how to enjoy simple things.
It's not too late to start again
Я тоже не бегал в фонтане.
Но у меня есть уважительная причина. Я занимался съёмкой этого веселья.
Просто тестировал мой новый объектив 55-210.
Я охотился.
I did not run in the fountain either.
But I have a good reason. I was filming this fun.
Just tested my new 55-210 lens.
I hunted.

Недавно гуляли в центре города, пока жарко в фонтанах можно увидеть не только детей... а также родителей, пытающихся их оттуда вытащить 😄
Вытащить чадо, это одно. А вот радостно в трусах кинуться в фонтан... слабо :)))
I think is because we enjoy to see the kids playing with the water... and lets face it, is more difficult when you're adult. You have to change clothes and there's always a pervert looking, trying to hit on woman... and then you have people taking pics and next thing is you on social media all wet with people talking nasty sexual stuff about you... so yeah, we stay dry and enjoy kids playing! hahaha
The opinion of a woman is the law.
We just forgot how to do simple things and get joy from them.
Next time I’ll definitely climb into the fountain.
I will do it. :-))
I think people might think I am mad, if I start running in the fountain!! - or maybe they will join me!!
Everyone is afraid to be the first. He thinks others will say about it. But when there is an example, following is easier.