Два города России. Москва и Санкт-Петербург. Их часто сравнивают. Москуву каждый человек называют по-разному. Это крупный и богатый мегаполис. Кто-то назывет её кошельком, кто-то сердцем России. Я бывал в Москве не один раз. Но мне не удавалось побродить по ней и почувствовать этот город. В 2011 году мы были в Москве по пути на Байкал. До отправления поезда было мало времени, но несколько снимков сделать я успел. Наверное есть и более красивые виды эого замечательного города.
К сожалению у меня тогда не было хорошей камеры.
Two cities of Russia. Moscow and St. Petersburg. They are often compared. Every person has a different name for Moskow. This is a large and rich metropolis. Someone will call it a wallet, someone will be the heart of Russia. I have been to Moscow more than once. But I could not wander through it and feel this city. In 2011, we were in Moscow on the way to Lake Baikal. Before the departure of the train there was little time, but I managed to take a few shots. There are probably more beautiful views of this wonderful city.
Unfortunately I did not have a good camera.
Cenon MVX350i
Sony A57 1.4 35
Санкт-Пертербург или Ленинград или Питер я ощущаю иначе. Для меня в нём больше души и сакральности. Я здесь не родился. Но я давно тут живу и город стал мне родным. Хотя любой лес мне гораздо роднее. Но если выбирать из городов, то я выбираю Питер
St. Perterburg or Leningrad or Peter I feel differently. For me, it has more soul and sacredness. I was not born here. But I have been living here for a long time and the city has become my hometown. Although any forest is much dearer to me. But if you choose from the cities, then I choose Peter

За последние лет 10 Москва сильно изменилась. Она стала городом для жизни. Рядом с Кремлём появился прекрасный парк Зарядье. Много строят для отдыха, много парков. Я сейчас в Москве бываю примерно раз в квартал.
А в Питере не был 12 лет, не считая проездом по КАДу 2 года назад. Дочь бывает часто в Питере, а раньше брательник ездил туда каждый год летом.
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чтобы как-то узнать любой город, надо по нему неспеша побродить. С Москвой у меня так не получалось.
Hi bambuka,
Visit curiesteem.com or join the Curie Discord community to learn more.
My pleasure :-)
Thank you for your support!
Black and white photos will always mark more elegance, very few would agree with me but I think it simulates more seniority in a unique and decent way :)
But I nevertheless agree :-))
Color is distracting from the essence. B & w is stricter and deeper
I love black and white photos.
They bring me remembrances.
They seem older than 2011.
The city looks beautiful and the photos give it a touch of nostalgia.
Thanks for a good post.
Photo of Moscow in 2011. I just shot on a camcorder in photo mode. Therefore, such a quality. I also love b&w photo :-))My pleasure @mariita:-)
I would probably never compare Moscow and St. Petersburg. These are two completely different cities in my opinion. Moscow feels more like money while St. Petersburg feels more like history and culture. At least this is my opinion :)
Your photos are great! It doesn't matter that you didn't use a good camera as it even makes your B/W photos look great :)
Thank you for sharing and congratulations on your curie vote!
Petersburg is sometimes called the northern or cultural capital of Russia. Residents of these cities are forced to compare :-)
Money and culture. You correctly noticed it. I think so too.
My pleasure :-)
I am a resident of these two cities at the same time :) , but I can say with confidence that St. Petersburg is an incredibly special and unique city ... in all aspects.
Great photos!
My pleasure :-)
I can’t argue, probably this is so :-))
Hi @bambuka. You say you didn't have a good camera but the photos are very good. The sky, the rivers, the buildings and the people talk about cities that I don't know. The photographs as a great friend of mine says you made them with your heart and therefore represent feeling in the middle of the urban. Great pleasure to know part of these cities through your camera. Kind regards
There was no good camera when I was shooting Moscow. Petersburg was filming another, more decent one. I am pleased that you like my shooting. Come visit here, I sometimes upload photos of St. Petersburg.
Kind regards :-)
I hope someday I can go to St. Petersburg. Thanks for the invitation
Yes, it’s worth doing, definitely :-))
I love your B&W shots @bambuka. Why did you say that you did not have a good camera? I think your photos are amazing. I think we see more in B&W photos, don't you think? Everything looks clearer and the architectural structures look really majestic.
My pleasure :-)
I agree. Color distracts from the content. In the city, this is especially important.
:) You are absolutely right. B&W refocuses so many elements that we don’t see in colour.
Have a good remainder week there @bambuka!
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Mutually, Thanks for stopping by :DMy pleasure @marblely :-)
My pleasure too! Oh and happy weekend! :)
...happy weekend too! :)
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посмотреть выйдет, почему бы и нет Вот рассмотреть подробно... это уже от глубины запроса зависит. Есть обзорные экскурсии, к примеру.