There's nothing wrong early in the morning to write about things that cool to raise the spirit or as energy activity all day. Yaahh ,,, especially if it is not a green-green from the distinctive aroma of leaves, colorful in the eye. And this time I will peel about the shoe flower
This beautiful flower-shaped flower, entered in the family Malvaceae and has Latin Hibiscus rosa-sinensis. And this shoe flower is suitable to grow in Indonesia is notabene tropical climate. Therefore we can meet them everywhere: in the yard, on the side of the road, in the botanical garden, in the schoolyard, etc.
Incidentally in the yard there are several types of flowering plants. Then arises the desire of the hand for snap-snap, though only with capitalize the HP camera. Here are some shots a few days ago :
Follow @batman31 😎

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Awesome post
Awesome post