Yesterday was my birthday and one year Steemit anniversary.
That's right, I gave myself the mother of all birthday gifts on my birthday one year ago- I joined Steemit!
One of my favorite things to do is to go fishing, so I took my boys (the wife was working) to Clear Lake in Oregon's Cascade Mountains to do some fishing and enjoy the unparalleled scenery.
Clear Lake, located at the headwaters of the McKenzie River, was formed approximately 3,000 years ago by a volcanic eruption. Lava from the eruption flowed down the mountain to create a natural dam of the river.
An ancient forest was submerged beneath the frigid waters. Remains of standing trees can still be seen by boaters, hikers, and especially scuba-divers, all of which frequent this unique destination.
The submerged trees remain preserved by the water which ranges between 35 and 43 degrees fahrenheit throughout the year. Due to the low water temperatures there is relatively low microbial life which would have naturally decomposed the wood and bark long ago.
Beautiful Clear Lake. Enjoyed by visitors from around the world on a variety of non-motorized watercraft. I snapped this picture from the dock at the lodge, which is operated by Linn County Parks & Recreation.
The weather, scenery and water were magnificent to behold! Below you will find more photos I took with the camera on my LG G6 mobile phone.
Also, don't miss out on the short video I added at the bottom of the post of my older son rowing the boat and my younger showing off our catch of Rainbow Trout.
My youngest showing off the first catch of the day- a colorful Rainbow Trout.
The birthday boy (me) tying on a lure and working on a sunburn that is still painful today.
Some brave guys daring each other to dive into the freezing water.
Somebody walked down the dock, took off his shirt and pants and showed them how it was done.
Here you get an idea of the clarity of the water.
Row, row, row your boat. Here you can see one of the submerged trees if you look closely.
A shot of the lake and lodge. In the distance you can see the tip of the mountains.
Last, but certainly not least, a short video to highlight our day!
Keep rowing.
Such a nice backdrop of mountains and greenery,never knew water that clear could even exist, hopefully you can go fishing with your whole family next time.
Yea man that camera took some dope pictures. Right on man.
Beautiful photographs - and Happy Birthday
Thank you!
These are some amazing pictures mn. I'd could only imagine just how relaxing the lake was for you and the boys. Little mn catching his first fish on your birthday gives that one even more meaning to the both of you. keep on steeming brother and i look forward to seeing more from you.
What a lovely place to go to.