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RE: Patterns and designs in nature - Flowers

in #photography7 years ago

Lol, will have to see who this wonderful commenter is below.

Your posts are all wonderful. They deserve to be on trending. Not posts like the nine different photo shoot of the same darn cookies. Seeing unfairness like that gets my sarcasm flowing which is so not cool. I prefer the happy bee.

I stole your collage idea for my post, hope you don’t mind. I wanted to have some affirmations combined on a photo and your flower collage inspired that thought. You are too awesome to mind silly things like that though.

I am heading out to enjoy some sunshine and maybe get in some lucky photography shots. Have a great weekend!! If only we could go photographing together so you could share some skills with me. My best of bestest to you! 😊💛


What?!? I love cookie photo shoots! Especially when its almost the same photos over and over and over again. Its like cookie brainwashing.

Don't mind the trending page sweetie... Its only for newbies who don't know its all trash yet. I prefer the happy bee too.

As for the collage, i'm pleased it has inspired you. Collage away girl! (i use a super simple website called fotojet)

Haven't been checking steemit this weekend but i'm off to see your post. Hugs to you and your little fam 😘

Hi @osm0sis. I am late in getting back with this one. I'm finding it harder and harder to find time for meaningful engagement time on here. Some days I prefer to have giphy conversations with some of my fellow Steemian riffraff. :)

I hope you are well and happier since the last time we spoke. I did see your new post, insects? :)

I do have to hand it to you that you still find time to curate. I don't have much time for that nowadays. I hope to see more of your posts when I do have time to come on here.

Appreciate you stopping by that day to show your support. I have a post to write on my experiment, but can't seem to find time to write, grrrr. Will never become a Steemit millionaire this way.

Perhaps a side-effect of a binge commenting phase? (which a lot of us have experienced)
I think a few of the older steemians (the very first ones )may also know exactly what you/we are going through. I believe there is a very healthy side to the fact we don't have much to say to our computer screens anymore. I can think of a few questions I've asked myself over the last few months. What is the price to pay? What are my priorities? How do I find the balance? Can I find the balance and still make my time here worthwhile? How much of this is taking over my "real"/physical life? Am I doing this to the detriment of the other things I've built in my life? Does anyone "really" care about anything I write?... I could go on forever!No worries @beeyou. Don't feel bad or pressured to comment or even post. I completely understand what you may be going through...

I find time to curate every once in while, but I comment and post less and less. I'm beyond broke but I'm just not money-driven enough to "succeed" here. Yet feel no shame in that...
Sorry I'm rambling. I keep missing your new posts (which are now probably old). Off to see what's happening in your world :)

Thanks for coming by, as always.

You've echoed every thought that has crossed my mind these last couple weeks/months. I find it hard to comment one word on here some days, never mind posting. You may choose any one of your rambled points as the reason. I'm not a blogger and not much of a social person, so it is really difficult to justify what I'm doing on a blogging/social media platform. I told Asher the other day that my baby girl was 6 months when I started here, and she will be 1 year old very soon. Where did the time go? Was it worth it to spend my time on here when I should be enjoying every moment of her childhood?

Some days I really wonder what the heck I'm doing on here. Then I chat with the wonderful friends I've met on here and want better things for them, for all of us. It is beyond lunacy the reward system on here. IF I was a whale, I would happily upvote your quality post so you can go back to that island and teach if you want. My support is small, but you will always have it. :)

Don't pay my blog any mind. I'm not a writer or blogger so I just write whatever comes to mind that day. It will never be curie material 😉. I don't share many personal information on here. To be honest, I seem to find my inspiration in writing when it relates to the unfairness of this Steemit system, lol. That will never earn me big bucks. Oh well, can't write if I have nothing to say. I'm listening to music again a lot so if want to get a post out so people know I'm still alive, it's usually a song post.

Look who's rambling now. Thanks for listening (reading). I truly hope you are well there. I don't ever want to pry, but I'm here if you want to chat. Or rant. Or ramble. :)

I hear ya... Discord when you have time lady