I’m just lowering the tone of a delightful article.
You know how Mexican Spanish isn’t the same as Spanish Spanish? Well, Australian English is just... wonderful. Here’s a whole article about simple, innocuous words and phrases that mean something completely different outside of the Antipodes.
”A beautiful day to be rooted” – guaranteed to cause a spit-take down-under. http://www.traveller.com.au/its-rooted-aussie-terms-that-foreigners-just-wont-get-38nlc
@beginningtoend: Deeply rooted. Sweetly watered. Sippp. Share. :-)
In the Australian sense?
@lensessions, I don't know what the Australian sense of this is. I'm curious now. Tell me?
I’m just lowering the tone of a delightful article.
You know how Mexican Spanish isn’t the same as Spanish Spanish? Well, Australian English is just... wonderful. Here’s a whole article about simple, innocuous words and phrases that mean something completely different outside of the Antipodes.
”A beautiful day to be rooted” – guaranteed to cause a spit-take down-under.
@lensessions: 🤦 lol