How to stay in shape with a broken ankle/Como manteneros en forma con un tobillo roto

Dear Steemians! Hola Amigos de Steemit!

Today we are going to do some exercises. I am going to show you how to stay in shape or at least try and minimize the damage when you have a broken ankle and can't walk for at least 2 months.

Hoy vamos a hacer un poco de ejercicios. Os voy a ensenar como manteneros en forma o por lo menos intentarlo sin causar mucho daño cuando tienes un tobillo roto y no puedes por los dos próximos meses.

First step is to set up the camera without braking the other ankle. Crucial...

These exercises are very basic and probably most of you know it, but haven't seen them on Steemit before, so I thought I was going to share it with you.

Estos ejercicios son muy básicos y probablemente muchos de vosotros los sabéis, pero no los he visto aunque en Steemit, así que he pensado en compartirlos con vosotros.

Today is the day for abdominals and some push-ups. It is a very short circuit but I try to make it intense. I usually set 5 minutes on the clock for the abdominals and I do 5 or 6 different exercises without stopping. You will know if it is working when it starts burning. Make sure you don’t stop there, but push through the pain and do it a bit longer..

Hoy es el día de hacer abdominales y algunos push-ups. Es un circuito muy corto pero intenso. Normalmente me pongo 5 minutos en cronometro y hago 5-6 ejercicios diferentes sin parar. Sabréis que funciona cuando empiece a doler. Asegúrate de no parar allí y continua aunque te duela.

There is no result without suffering...

No hay resultados sin sufrimiento...

Do not forget to warm up with some mobility exercises (not stretching, that is for cooling down)!

No te olvides de calentar con ejercicios de movilidad!

Here come the instructions....
I do 3 different types of crunches:

Crunch 1: 50reps

Crunch 2: 40reps

Crunch 3: 20reps (already burning a lot)

Leg raises (bend you knees) with hand under your bottom to support the lower back: 20reps

Alternating leg raises with hands behind your neck (burning): 20reps

V-sit and twisting to the sides, I have no idea how it's called: 30reps (burning a lot)

Probably you can do 2 full sets in 5 minutes. Feel free to do it for longer...
After the abdominals you can make some push-ups. I did some with knee support because I am a lightweight, yet...

Después de los abdominales puedes hacer algunos push-ups. He hecho algunos apoyándome en las rodillas porque soy un flojo, haha...

And some bonus exercises:


Thank you for visiting I hope you liked this post.

Muchas gracias por visitar y como siempre Vamos Steemit!


¡Muchas fuerza @bentakespictures!
Este post ha sido propuesto para que lo vote @cervantes.

wow.. you are inspirational :)