Even your daughter would laugh at you if she knew you were really trying to use a photo of your legs to refute the fact that you use your 11 year old daughter to attract followers.
Good attempt at trolling me. Watch what happens to your account later.
BTW, you can see there are other mothers that agree. @llfarms and I are not the only ones who think you're fucking sick for using your daughter like that.
Don’t threaten somebody who fears you because I don’t. You’re just a big bully I did nothing to you and you know why I supported you for a whole year I defended you when people picked on you and now you’re bullying me because some girl is jealous of a little kids head. I’m not scared of you because I’m not scared of money I have money asshole. Financially bullying people is also criminal harassment and if I ever get your name you’re going to spend the rest your life in jail. No wonder you hide behind your account you’re a criminal. You’ll go to hell. I don’t need to deal with you God will. And your money and your votes won’t buy you out of hell you evil person. Demented too.
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