Like many photographers, I was very fascinated by possibilities given by High Dynamic Range Photography.
If you're not familiar with that way of photography let me give it to you in a few words. Basically you need to place your camera on a tripod or something steady because you will shoot about 3 photos. Then you need to turn o bracketing in your camera, this function will allow you to show 3 photos with different settings each, so you can set it on -1EV, 0EV, +1EV and you have 3 separate photos with one of whom is too bright (+1EV), one is about right and one is too dark (-1EV). Later you need to combine them in, for example, Adobe Photoshop. You will use the most valuable elements of each photo.
Below you can see my first session with HDR way of shooting. Enjoy!
Photo: Dziaba
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