Today I pay a visit to Malam Jabba Swat. It was very sad for me that there was almost no snow there... Last year I visited there and there was snow everywhere, you can take a look on Malam Jabba's snow fall in this blog of mine:
But today the snow was very less as compared to previous year. Global warming has increased upto alarming level. I believe the main reason behind this is Global warming. What do you think???
My today's picture of Malam Jabba
Photo was taken by me using AlcaTell Idol 4
the most beautiful place on earth
The best thing about malam jabba is that it's so high that sometimes when u climb on the mountain, it get surrounded by cloud, and u will be able to walk in the clouds, I've experienced this once. But the only problem with this is that on such high altitude, if u remain for long time, u will feel different symptoms of oxygen deprivation like dizziness and u can fell down, due to your obese body, U will not be able to control yourself from falling @ibrar26 LoL, Joke's apart, but I am serious :) :) :)
My fev.Malam Jaba
Everyone say this who pay a visit there
but still very scenic. these areas of Pakistan are undoubtedly the heaven on earth.
indeed brother but global warming is increasing, most probably because of deforestation, which is degrading the natural habitat of a lot wild life species as well as the whole climate is affecting negatively by it
The most beautiful place .
Nice picture!
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