
Whose fault it is if the English only learn one? The education system, parents, the child's, the child once they are old enough to choose for themselves, the entire country?

I'd say it's a gift to have been pushed to learn more languages, not a source of frustration.

The country. The Rule Britainia mentality. They do have a choices of languages in secondary school but they are not that bothered. The time to learn a language is before the age of 9. It just doesn't happen there.

Got it. Thanks. I didn't expect you to respond so fast! I had added a comment to my first reply that I think it's a gift to be pushed to learn multiple language. It may be tougher as student, but the lifelong benefits seem to be worth it.

Working from home so my Im getting Hive notifications . haha. They should have a (usually replies within 5 seconds ) thing on my posts. :-D