One of the great things about working in the trade I work in, is that I generally get to work outside. With that being said, this is oftentimes my view in the morning. Kind of hard to really do it justice with just the LG-Stylo I took it with, but it definitely beats staring at a cubicle wall, or computer screen all day. That's for sure.
The crap thing about it, is that I have to wake up at the butt crack of dawn, in order to appreciate it. lol
Beautiful photos, I would never get anything done with that view
Thank you. Such a beautiful day does, at times, definitely make you want to pack up for the day and head to the beach. That's for sure.
Couldn't resist republishing their work here.Full credit @contentjunkie
lol. It's okay. They may not be worth anything, but I still appreciate them. :P
Uh oh, I pushed it to .03
Well, .027, to be exact :P
I am new and not sure how to vote, but I love your pictures! Thanks for sharing
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Thank you, btw. :) And welcome to Steemit.