Hiya @dubble ,
Let me see if I can answer your queries.....
...about two years..
...the 'Ruffle' is on the strawberry itself...on it's crown. They are soft.
...the leaves of the plant...are a bit leathery...not like nettle leaves though...hehe...
....Happy to hear you were pleased to hear about the 'Ruffle'...I thought the same thing when first I learned it. ^__^ The ones I grow do not have much of a ruffle...however these at the Green Grocer did indeed....those pictured in the post.
The Principle came to mind when I started photographing them...and saying to myself...'Where's the cream?'...you see 'Man is never satisfied.' We seek perfection, so somewhere there must be perfection. The absolute is that only God is perfect...So let's seek Him.
Take Care.
Kind Regards,
NB Thank you for the token!
All very interesting my friend! It's definitely a fun hobby to have, must be so enjoyable when you've grown a full batch yourself and so fresh!
It's true we are never satisfied, always wanting and expecting more! Need to be more happy with what we have, grateful to be here :)