Nice pics. Looks like here in the Portland area. Friend calls it the North Wet due to the amount of rain the majority of the west coast receives here in North America. An there are lions out there. Those cougars are also known as Mountain Lions :) . They are actually more dangerous than the bears especially for children and dogs. I have had them stalk me and my little sister in the Rockies when the bears would just run away. An you can do some awesome color correction and effects in your pics with tools like Photoshop or Affinity Photo. Affinity Photo is in Beta for windows (so it FREE right now) and is only $49 for Mac for life.
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Thank you for the photo edit suggestions....I'll look into those programs.
I did not know that cougars were mountain lions!! That's the part of nature that I don't like...the unknown dangers...but if forewarned I'm okay "ish".
I love how you call the north west North true!