Hello! I finally had time to write an answer.
Thank you for such a detailed review of my photo and tips on how to improve it.
I agree with all suggestions.
I also tried to focus on the orange trees on the other side using a radial gradient.
Unfortunately, I could not make an excerpt even more. I think that this required two filters ND1000. And I used three filters ND2, ND4, ND8.
You blurred the photo a bit by eliminating the noise. And I used the increase in sharpness. For some reason I like sharp pictures.
I think that you are doing very useful reviews. I hope that curators will pay attention to your posts.
Great to hear that you like the feedback @boddhisattva!
Maybe a ND1000 filter would have helped indeed. What was the real shutter speed by the way? I'm very curious!
Haha that's funny, I normally sharpen my pictures too, especially in ones where great detail is present in my subject. In this case, I think the slight blur of the picture made it look more dreamy and shifted the focus to the beautiful colors more.
Thanks again for your kind words!
Have a great evening