Weekly Serbia

in #photography8 years ago (edited)

Hello Everyone!
I decided to start a little weekly blog in wich I will try to describe my homeland with photos, but not the tourist like, all sweet and vibrant, but from the most objective perspective and with no retouch. So in fact this is Serbia as it is and in it's purest form :)

Let's begin with humans :)

Serbian people are often described as open, warm, temperamental and hospitable. How do you imagine Serbs? Do you have any experiences, good or bad?
According to the international polls, Serbs are statistically the most hospitable nation in the world. This custom is highly implemented in our legacy, and can be traced to the ancient Slavic belief that the host wouldn’t gain any favor of gods if he didn’t show hospitality to a guest.

Serbs are warm and nice people who know how to enjoy life. Around them you can have your own opinion, you can disagree with them, you can joke, and as long as you respect them as human beings, you will have no problem: they will treat you the same way and even better.

''Serbian people are very brave, which they proved back in 1918. At that time, their army broke the Thessaloniki front in a mere 18 days. Other armies, including the British, Italian, Greek and French, also attempted the task, but were not able to do it, even in months.''

That's all for now.
Feel free to follow for more informations and great stories about Serbia! I am going to inform you about a lot of different stuff, history, tourism, interesting facts, but also will give you an in depth guide for night life, best beer in town, best food in town etc.
Until next time.



All photos are mine ;)


Welcome aboard @bonggita! I'm sure you'll enjoy Steemit community.

Добро нам дошао! Одличне су ти фотографије, ићи ће сигурно у Дневни избор, само остави уз фотографије макар минималне податке о опреми коју користиш и елементе експозиције.

Hvala! Sledeci put ide sve sa detaljnim popisom opreme!

Имаш Едит тастер @bonggita, можеш да унесеш исправке у текст у првих недељу дана. Није касно.

To je to :) Sad cu da se igram sa tim.

Dobrodosla! Fotografije su ti fenomenalne, ne znam koja mi je bolja! :)

Hvala ti puno! Drago mi je da ti se svidjaju :)

Dobrodosla! Imas moju podrsku!

Amazing photography!
Dobrodošla na Steemit! :)

ćaoss, dess' :)

Looks like we have another excellent photographer onboard! Welcome @bonggita! We are eagerly waiting your stories from Serbia. Please provide some info on your equipment and exposure data. Upvoted, resteemed, followed & DPS.

Please state clearly in the comments how would you like to be featured in the “Daily Photo Selection”: with a linked photo, or with link only without a photo. We are making a list of photographers who are ready to improve the visibility of their work through the DPS.

Thank you, I am glad to be here! These are shot with good ol' nikon D200 , I will provide detail exposure data and equipment list in my future posts. Still figuring out the steemit community and how it all works :) It would be fine if you could feature with a linked photo. Looking forward to explore some great photography with you all. Regards.

These pictures are so great! I love street photo!

Svaka cast hvala za slike i lepa poruka!

Welcome, dobrodosao/la to Steemit.
Nice to see people from Serbia here.
great photos :) b&w obozavam ..