Dark Pinup, The Photography of Kommienezuspadt - This Is Why We Still Have Mailboxes...

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

I neglect my mailbox. If it had the will and physical capability, it would long ago have left its dysfunctional relationship with me to go and find fulfillment with a little old lady who has an abundance of pen pals and receives bulky envelopes daily, filled with crochet patterns from her sewing circle. In this digital age there's hardly ever anything of importance to me to be found in it. At times several weeks can go by with me giving my mailbox nary a glance. However recently I received email notification (the type of mail I do check) that a certain item had shipped, so for the past several days I've more diligently made the short trek to that small metal box and inserted the tiny brass key hoping for a prize. And today I was rewarded!


Today my copy of Dark Pinup arrived!

Here's the official info on this wonderful volume to help bring you up to speed.

The first book by incredible photography talent Lars Kommienezuspadt. A brooding collection of portraiture done in Kommienezuspadt's signature style - diegetic lighting and cinematic frames that bring a beautiful new perspective to the world of pinup photography.

 Dark Pinup is presented in three chapters: 
 Shadows - the dark and sexy work that has defined Kommienezuspadt's career
 Illuminations - a contrast to the shadows, natural light pouring through windows and flooding the narrative
 Proclivities - a tasteful exploration of eroticism in photography

 Featuring Ryan Ashley (Ink Master Angels), Roxi D'Lite (Miss Exotic World), Cora Harrington (The Lingerie Addict), Masuimi Max, Holly Madison, Cherry Dollface, Vintage Vandalizm, and many, many more!

 Foreword by Thomas Kuntz.

 Hardcover, 240 pages, 10" x 6.75"

Dark Pinup is gorgeous.

This is a high quality compendium of the work of Lars Kommienezuspadt, Steemit's very own @kommienezuspadt, published by Working Class Publishing (@wcpublishing). If you've followed Lars' blog, you already know the stunning quality of his photography, and if you haven't then go check it out now.

The production quality of this hardcover volume is top notch. Kudos goes to @wcpublishing. I'm a book lover, so I even just savored the smell of the paper and binding as I opened that envelope and unwrapped it. But of course the paper and binding quality would be worthless if @kommienezuspadt hadn't been able to fill it with samplings of a decades worth of brilliant art.

The sections flow wonderfully. I particularly felt the dichotomy of moving from Shadows to Illuminations. It was like spending the afternoon in a dimly lit cafe or theater and then stepping through the doors into the light of day that you'd kind of forgotten was out there. Then of course we move into Proclivities, where after a brisk walk in the sun you sequester yourself away for something a bit more private...

The foreward by Thomas Kuntz and the introduction by Kommienezuspadt himself are both excellent pieces of writing, as are the brief introductions to each section. Perhaps spoiled by reading Lars' blog here on Steemit, I did find myself wanting more! Dark PinupDark Pinup. is all about the art. The photos even remain uncluttered from captions or credits as these are all expertly handled in pages of credited thumbnails at the end of the volume. I recognized many of the images from following them on @kommienezuspadt's blog and am so used to having his accompanying voice discussing some of the thought process and challenges behind the images; or relating harrowing or comedic stories of the life of travel and logistics that this body of work has required. If there's ever a companion volume that also explores the best of Lars' blogging and memoirs as well... it'll have a place on my shelf right alongside

The book is still available for order at http://workingclasspublishing.com

Screen Shot 2018-04-06 at 7.50.51 PM.png

direct link to store page

I know the release process of this book has of course been much more emotional for Kommienezuspadt, but this mail package has even given me plenty of cause for reflection.

I interacted with Lars here on Steemit through a mutual love of comics and illustration and quickly learned to eagerly await his writing and photography as well. I've had the opportunity to meet Lars a couple times in person and he's pushed my artistic dedication and skills as well as those of countless others with his activity and commitment to the art community here on Steem, and by leading through example and inspiration with the completion of projects such as Dark Pinup.

Steemit brought all this into my life. Hell, I even paid for Dark Pinup with a Bitcoin linked debit card! These are things I would have scarcely envisioned a little over a year and a half ago when I first signed up to Steemit.

So a big thanks to @kommienezuspadt, @wcpublishing, @steemit, and everyone who's made this experience a rewarding joy so far. I truly believe this is just the beginning of Steem related packages flooding my mailbox and front stoop, as Steem fulfills its purpose of allowing creators to realize their dreams and bring their projects to the world.

Now back to another leisurely flip through the pages of Dark Pinup...

-Bryan Imhoff

Follow me @bryan-imhoff and view some of my comics @spottyproduction and reviews @exploreunlimited!
Support the growing comics community here on Steemit! by joining the @steem-comic-con!

This is so cool! I have been occasionally following @kommienezuspadt, but didn't know he turned his art into a book. This is pretty amazing.

Dang, we need to meet up in Vegas, @readingdanvers (someday)! "If you’re near the Las Vegas area, join us for the Dark Pinup book release party at The Artisan Hotel, Thursday, April 19th from 8 - 11:00p.m. An over the top party featuring #burlesque performances by @masuimimax, Roxi D’Light, Marie Devilreux and Jessa Thunder. Many of the models featured within the pages of Dark Pinup will be greeting and signing copies as well." https://steemit.com/darkpinupbook/@kommienezuspadt/resteem-contest-we-re-giving-away-a-signed-copy-of-dark-pinup

I doubt I'll ever be ever to afford going to the U.S., let alone Vegas, but thank you.

And if it this project that came out from Steemit's womb, it is super encouraging for those who also expect similar outputs from the platform. Can't wait to see more happening!Wow this is great to read for many reasons! First I keep discovering the talents of @kommienezuspadt, from which I had so far only vague insights, some sketches and now this!

*Also interested in the shiftcard btw :D

So, huge congrats to @kommienezuspadt for releasing his book which looks damn .... damned!!! And thank you @bryan-imhoff for such cool review!

Please @bryan-imhoff, take a photo of the open book, so we can see binding quality. Cover is obviously hard and really well done.

Thanks for your support and glowing review. Glad you like it!!!

I remember the magic of receiving music or books through a club in the mail. Seems like a long time ago now!

Added to my wish list and with payday coming up I think I might be anxiously checking my mailbox the coming weeks as well. Very much a fan of your "pinup" work. Considering the dedication I see in all you do, I'm sure this publication is worth every penny. Congrats!!!

This looks like its worth owning! I may have to get a copy. Thanks for sharing.

Well worth owning & supporting an awesome Steemian at the same time!

Oh yeah... Im all about meeting artists on here. Supporting them by purchasing there work is a plus! I honestly wish I had more STEEM stacked so I could purchase with that instead. In time though!

Ooh, can we buy books now via our Steemit wallets?
@geke was talking about that, but is it happening already?

Masuimi Max, woah, latex goddess classic here, did not know she is in this, very very awesome. When will the photographer be on tour to do signings of the book? Got to love a Shift card or whatever you got going for your crypto transactions. Love seeing so many things come out from people I just follow on this site. You included, as I wait for I Thought It Would Be Zombies #1.

Don’t know about a tour, but I know there’s a big launch party in Vegas this month. Too bad Steem hasn’t mooned yet and made me baller enough to make the trip. 😄
Yeah, it’s a Shift card, they are sweet aren’t they?!
And thanks for waiting on my own releases. And waiting... and waiting... 😬

I won't complain that quarter moon a couple of months ago wasn't too bad to help catch up with bills, but it would be nicer to see all the geeks and artists here on Steemit posting what would be the oddest groups of custom lambos ever.

Hey! I'm trying to save what little money I have here! ;)

Will definitely have to bookmark this title even if I'm currently far too poor to buy even something that cheap. Looks like my kind of thing. Did you meet him through Steemit somehow, or was this before and/or entirely separate from the platform?

Met right here on Steemit. He’s made his living photographing gorgeous women but is a tremendous illustrator as well and comic geek at heart. He shared this image which had me cracking up! 😂


Though he’s halfway across the country he travels my way fairly frequently. The last time he was out my way we were hanging in a coffee shop. I’m enviously watching him edit images from the shoot he’d just completed with the gorgeous Ryan Ashley... but he was enviously watching me draw my comic, wishing he had more time to do the same! 🤣
I’ve never actually met anyone through other social media... that’s just the magic of Steem!

That photo is priceless. Hurrah !! :D

Ya... Tom Waits - Kommienezuspadt