Thanks for stopping by @notconvinced and leaving your thoughts. It's great to hear from you.
I have well and truly caught the bug, it's such an enjoyable experience to take snaps and then bring them back for editing and sharing. I'm just enjoying the act of it right now, maybe down the line I'll invest in a better camera.
I was in PYPT the other day and @TheBugIQ was talking about Fuji and the quality of their cameras. If I ever get into it seriously I will definitely consider purchasing one of their models. Right now though, I'm happy with the quality of my phone.
That is a great thought for sure. I like to really capture certain feelings with my images when I'm writing, you know, to try and stimulate some form of emotional response for the reading. Maybe in years to come I will have a library full of shots that will accompany my writing.
I will be sure to keep my Snaps series updated. I have licensed all my photos for free usage so if you ever want to use them you can stop by and 'snap' them up.
Again, great to hear from you buddy.