Day 29: Sometimes, all you have to do is look at it on a different perspective...
We always face problems and issues, whatever it may be, in our life on a day-to-day basis. Sometimes the frustrations on solving these issues and problems will take us on our wit's end. I've been through that situation many times. It's not fun when you're at that situation. Less than a month ago, I was on that situation again, then my friend gave her advice that made me think. This was what she said, "Take your time to think about a solution for the problem. If you think your tired because of that, REST. Then after resting, think again. Think again, but this time look at your problem on a different perspective. Maybe you're just looking at the problem on a wrong perspective. Be creative. :)"
After that, I thought for long hours and looked at the problem on a different perspective. All the mist that was hindering me from finding a solution suddenly cleared out. I was solving the puzzle I was trying to solve for days piece by piece. Until one day, I finally got to solve the problems I was facing.
It's really hard at times but just march forward and everything will be fine. :)
Hope you guys have a fun day.
you forgot about singing about your worries away.. i hope I have as wonderful voice as you
Taking some time and looking on a different perspective really helps. And it’s good to hear you already solved that problem.